POWER Online was borne out of lockdown, in April 2020. The world was unable to travel, or go outside for more than one hour per day. POWER Online was the connection everyone craved, and the 'shift' everyone needed.
Live 'rider' Zoom views of skiiers on the slopes in Sweden, runners in Milan, walkers on Australian beaches, outdoor pedalers in London, and paddle boarders in Bosham; as well as 'riders' doing HIIT and dancing ‘safe’ in their homes played out on-screen; whilst I rode my spinning bike in the POWER Garage, Chichester.
68% of ‘riders’ didn’t ride a spinning bike. This percentage decreased slightly when ‘riders’ in the northern hemisphere bought indoor bikes to ‘Winter POWER’, such was the desire to continue to be part of the FAMILY, year-round.
POWER Online was 'the beginning'; I was unable to launch POWER as I’d planned to, due to the global pandemic. Instead, I launched POWER Online; a Pay-What-You-Can virtual movement experience. Online gave me the opportunity to show how POWER is rooted in connection and mental strength, and 'different' to spinning. Operating without a fixed ticket price gave everyone the opportunity to be one of the bunch.
I introduced the concept of Bring-Your-Own-Banana; encouraging ‘riders’ to brandish bananas with words on, at their Zoom screens. ‘Rider’ bananas inspired my bikechat, and became part of the on-screen playful ‘banana exchange’ between runners and walkers and cyclists in the same location, the 'magic window' and banana (treasure) hunts; a brilliantly playful on-screen spectacle.
Every ‘ride’ connected people from across the world; it was a celebration, a virtual social gathering, and a workout. The 'ride', the movement, was 45 minutes. The before- and after-ride parties were an opportunity to deepen connections, talk, share, shift, and navigate lockdown, together.
Regular fancy dress included regular Pride 'rides', birthday celebrations (always with a candle in my banana and a Zoom sing-a-long) and a Ski Saturday 'ride', as well as me wearing a 100 bananas dress to celebrate 100 Zoom ‘rides’ in August 2020, 365 paper bananas to celebrate BANANAVERSARY in April 2021 - one year of POWER Online - and 100 slabs of ‘baked with love’ by the bunch banana bread, on National Banana Bread Day, February 2021.
POWER Online hosted two charity fundraisers, involving 100 ‘riders’ - the maximum number of Zoom participants - on both occasions, and raised £4,840 for Mind and The Sussex Snowdrop Trust.
The 341st and final weekly ‘ride’ was 03.03.2022.
POWER Online continues as a virtual movement experience for corporates, and charity fundraisers. Ask me how.
Click here for POWER Online MEMORIES via YouTube.
POWER Online MEMORIES via YouTube